
2019 marks the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci at the Château of Clos Lucé in Amboise. It also marks the birth of Catherine de’ Medici in Florence and the beginning of the construction of the Royal Château of Chambord.

This prestigious heritage is at the heart of a region well known for its numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites, among which many châteaux such as  ChambordBloisAmboise and the Château du Clos Lucé.

In total over 500 projects have been launched since February 2019 with the aim of granting more recognition to agents of culture, heritage, tourism, science, economy and even the environment.

In other words, this year’s exceptional programme comes from the will to create links between different eras and the main themes of the Renaissance thanks to three major subjects:

  • Heritage
  • Science
  • Skills, Art, Crafts, Culture and the French way of life

This programme combines popular events and historical accuracy. It is inspired by the genius mind of Leonardo da Vinci and contemporary ideas, like humanism, universality, the concept of utopia (imagined by Thomas More in 1516) and current revolutions.



Whether you are an amateur or a specialist, you can be assured to find a project that fits your needs.

Discover the programme