As an honest-to-goodness medieval fortress, the château of Sully-sur-Loire once served as a line of defense for the “royal” river.  In our times, it is the eastern entranceway to the Val de Loire, which is registered on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.  Classified as a historic monument in 1928, the château maintains its unusual allure due to its wide water-filled moats, its massive keep and its tall towers with their pointed roofs. The castle once hosted celebrated figures including Joan of Arc, Louis XIV and Voltaire.

The first traces of the château date back to 1102, at which time it served as  a defense post on the left bank of the Loire. In the 14th century, following a devastating flood, Guy de La Trémoïlle, lord of Sully, initiated a major rehabilitation project and asked the architect of King Charles V and the Louvre, Raymond du Temple, to draw up new plans. Extensive work was commissioned on the donjon, a fortified structure that would not only defend a bridge spanning the Loire, but also become a site propitious to pomp and ceremony, where the lord would organize sumptuous receptions.

In 1602, the Château de Sully-sur-Loire was acquired and salvaged by a minister of Henri IV, Maximilien de Béthune, who launched an extensive work campaign targeting the exterior walls and the Renaissance interiors.  He supervised construction of an artillery tower equipped with walls and cannons; it was connected to the castle itself by two covered galleries. For four centuries, the château remained in the hands of the same family.


But from the 18th century onward, repeated destruction and reconstruction of the château de Sully-sur-Loire gradually modified its allure. While losing numerous buildings, it was enriched by new structures such as the sumptuous central dwelling.

During the 20th century, it once again experienced severely disruptive change. First the summits of the eastern – but not the western – towers were reconstructed, but then a devastating fire destroyed the wing dating back to the 18th century; it was subsequently rebuilt. In 1962 the site was acquired by the Loiret department, which commissioned extensive restoration work.

Notwithstanding the ups and downs of its history, thanks to its massive towers and imposing silhouette the château has preserved its multiple treasures: the parapet walkway, drapery depicting the legend of Psyche, a 14th-century cradle-shaped ceiling, furnished apartments and the tomb of the famed Duke of Sully.

To further enhance your visit, exhibitions and various types of entertainment are organized throughout the year.



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