An author?s love and compassion for America and its multiracial, multicultural populations. L’Ange Esméralda is a short story by Don DeLillo that echoes his major novel Outremonde.
An author?s love and compassion for America and its multiracial, multicultural populations. L?Ange Esméralda is a short story by Don DeLillo echoing his major novel Outremonde. Simon Mauclair and his team are passionate about DeLillo?s work, which they have been working to bring to the stage for many years (The Falling Man), and take us to the author?s native Bronx, where two nuns search for an orphan girl. Blending The Jungle Book and Notre-Dame de Paris at the heart of a violent popular story, Don DeLillo reveals in just a few pages one of the most moving stories in his entire oeuvre.
Photo gallery of the event
Opening time
Other rates : 22,00 €
Further information
- Motorway at 5 km